TechnoDesign: Mrs. Hutton



MRS. HUTTON (1): Nice to meet you (to the interpreter). I am glad to finally meet you face to face (to WTC Representante).


MRS. HUTTON (2): I´m fine, thanks. Your office is lovely.


MRS. HUTTON (3): Good idea.


MRS. HUTTON (4): I need to make some last minute changes to the arrangements you are fixing for us.


MRS. HUTTON (5): Here we are. Starting on Friday next week, we´ve got 25 single rooms with shower or bath and breakfast included. The rooms are booked for 3 nights next week. Sorry to repeat what you´ve just said, but I want to make sure we´ve got the same information.


MRS. HUTTON (6): People will start arriving from about 6:30 a.m. on Thursday.


MRS. HUTTON (7): Yes, you are right. Sorry, I don´t know who made this mistake in my office back in America. When people arrive, they should have access to the restaurant at the hotel. We have agreed the restaurant for 45 people, but you must change that too because 6 more people from USA will join us. So that makes 51 in total.


MRS. HUTTON (8): Let me check. I´ve got that information here in these papers. Their flight tickets are for Monday morning. Very early in the morning, by the way.


MRS. HUTTON (9): My God! You are right! I don´t know what mess they made back there in my office. I do apologize for all this misunderstanding. There is no problem for any extra cost derived from all these changes. The company will pay every other expense generated. 


MRS. HUTTON (10): Your´re right. I will inform my people about all this. If any ask for a service not included under the criteria stipulated, they will have to pay for it. 


MRS. HUTTON (11): The shuttle must be waiting for the people to arrive at about 5:00 am on Thursday. On Monday, for the departure, they must picked up the people at 4am since their flight takes off at 6:00 am on Monday. Now, if the exhibition starts at 9:00 on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, people should have breakfast between 5 and 7. The shuttle must picked up the people at the hotel to take them here to the WTC. The exhibition closes at 7:00 pm. So let´s say 7:30 will be fine for the shuttle to take the people back to the hotel.


MRS. HUTTON (12): Sure. I am so anxious to see them. Have you already received all the printed material and products of our company? They should be already here since we shipped them a month ago.  


MRS. HUTTON (13): I´m so happy to hear that. I really like working with you. You´re very professional. But I guess, you will kill me. There´s something else I forgot. I assume you didn´t take into account this either. Let me explain myself. You see the people who are coming are from different departments of our company. I only represent the marketing and promotion department. The people who are coming are the experts on our products: creators, manufacturers, testers, demonstrators, sellers and people to entertain with music and dances. All these people may want to rehearse and have a look at the stands before Friday. So that means, that we need the shuttle to pick the people up at the hotel on Thursday afternoon. Let´s say at 4:00 pm. And bring them back at 8:00 pm. Can you fix this?


MRS. HUTTON (14): Very clear, Madam.  There´s no problem. I am here to take care of all these situations and free to make decisions and take actions on the budget and expenses.


MRS. HUTTON (15): Of course, I´ll be delighted to do that now.

intérpretación | INTERPRETUS  Williams Paul Us Grajales
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