Robbery: Judge´s Questions

JUDGE (1): Please, state your name and occupation for the record.

JUDGE (2): Were you working on July 2 of this year?

JUDGE (3): Now, Mr. Duarte, please tell the court where you were at approximately 12:20 p.m. of that day?

JUDGE (4): Where exactly were you waiting?

JUDGE (5): Where had you picked up your fare on the day of the incident, July 2 of this year?

JUDGE(6): Whe he got into your cab, did he appear to be nervous?

JUDGE (7): When you arrived at the bank, did he tell what he planned to do there?

JUDGE (8):  When he came out of the bank, what did he do?

JUDGE (9): When did you have the first indication that something was wrong?

JUDGE (10): I see. And what happened next?

JUDGE (11): Can you tell the court what happened next?

JUDGE (12): And then, what happened?

JUDGE (13): Do you recall what happened next?

JUDGE (14): Just answer the questions, Mr. Duarte. Now, were the windows of the taxi up or down when the policeman approached your car?

JUDGE (15): I see. Now, after the policeman fired his weapon, what was the new thing that happened?

JUDGE (16): From your vantage point at the wheel of the taxi, could you tell where, if anywhere, the passanger had been hit?

JUDGE (17): At any point in time, did you see your fare draw a weapon of any sort, either prior to or subsequent to the police officer´s approach to your vehicle?

JUDGE (18): Now, after the police officer discharge his weapon, well, first of all, can you tell me how many shots he fired?

JUDGE (19): And you say the windows of the taxi cab were up at the time... Did any of the windows break with the impact of the bullet?

JUDGE (20): What happened after the police officer discharged his weapon? Did he say anything?

JUDGE (21): At some point did you exit the vehicle?

JUDGE (22): Were you the questioned by the police?

JUDGE (23): After you were questioned by the police, were you immediately release?

JUDGE (24): Did a police investigator later come to your house to interview you and to give you information about the State Victim Compensation Fund?

JUDGE (25): Yes, I understand, and I am sorry for the inconvenience, Mr. Duarte. But hopefully this will be the last time you will have to come to testify.    

intérpretación | INTERPRETUS  Williams Paul Us Grajales
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