Purse Snatching: Judge Questions

JUDGE (1): Do you solemnly swear the testimony you shall give in this case will be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?  

JUDGE (2): Mrs. Cárdenas, please state your full name and occupation for the record. 

JUDGE (3): Mrs. Cárdenas, I direct your attention to the evening of April 24 of this year at about 8:00 p.m. Do you remember that date and time?

JUDGE (4): Could you please tell the court and the jury what, if anything,  happened to you at that time and on that date?

JUDGE (5): Did you see the face of the person who took your handbag?

JUDGE (6): Could you point out that individual if you see him in court today?

JUDGE (7): Mrs. Cárdenas, you stated on direct examination that you were coming home from the supermarket on the evening of April 24 when someone snatched your handbag. 

JUDGE (8): Could you tell us the exact time of the incident?

JUDGE (9): What were the lightning conditions at that time on April 24?

JUDGE (10): When you say the light on the corner, do you mean the street lamp?

JUDGE (11): Were you alone on that evening in question?

JUDGE (12): You also said that you fell how someone snatching your handbag?

JUDGE (13): Are you sure that the young man sitting here is the same one you saw pulling your handbag?

JUDGE (14): Could you tell us what the individual who allegedly took your handabag was wearing that evening?

JUDGE (15): Did this individual say anything to you?

JUDGE (16): Did you go after him or call for help?

JUDGE (17): Did there come a time when you saw the defendant again?

JUDGE (18): Did you point him out right then and there? or Did you go directly to the precinct?

JUDGE (19): Had you ever seen this young man before that day?

JUDGE (20): Now, Mrs. Cárdenas, in your earlier testimony you said that you saw the person´s face very clearly, is that correct?

JUDGE (21): Yes, thank you. But isn´t it possible that you could be mistaken in your recollection? Let me rephrase that Mrs. Cárdenas. Let me show you Exhibit 3: for identification, a police report. I ask you to read the second paragraph to see if that refreshes your recollection.

JUDGE (22): All right, Mrs. Cárdenas. It says "Victim states assailant was a Hispanic male in his early twenties. Do you recall saying this the officer who interviewed you?

JUDGE (23): Yes, Mrs. Cárdenas, but I ask you now to look at the defendat in this case, Mr. Davis. Wouldn´t you say that he is afro-american descent, not Hispanic?

JUDGE (24): Mrs, Cádenas, do you ever wear presciption glasses?

JUDGE (25): I mean, do your wear glasses or contact lenses to help you see better?

JUDGE (26): Thank you Mrs. Cárdenas. I have no further questions.

intérpretación | INTERPRETUS  Williams Paul Us Grajales
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