Interviewer Questions


Q1: How was your childhood?

Q2: And how did you get involved in the drug business?

Q3: How did you leave there? How did all expand?

Q4: How has your family changed from them now?

Q5: And now that your are free. How has it affected you? The fact that you are free and the pressure you must feel because you´re wanted by the law.

Q6: Is it true what they say, that drugs destroy humanity and bring harm?

Q7: Do you think it it true that you are responsible for the high level of drug addiction, for the fact that there are so many drugs in the world?

Q8: Did your drug business grown and expand when you were in jail? Did business get better or worse?

Q9: What about the violence associated with this type of activity?

Q10: Do you consider yourself as a violent person?

Q11: Are you prone to violence? Do you try to avoid violence or you only use it as a last resort?

Q12: What´s your opinion about the situation in Mexico? What´s going on in Mexico, the outlook in Mexico?

Q13: Do you consider your activity, your organization, a cartel?

Q14: How has this business evolved from the time you started until today?

Q15: And people change as well, what´s the difference in people now, compared to back then?

Q16: What´s the outlook for the business? Do you think it will end? Will it grow?

Q17: Do you think terrorism activities in the Middle East will, in any way, impact the future of drug trafficking?

Q18: You saw how the final days of Escobar were. How do you see your final days with respect to the business?

Q19: The US Government thinks that the Mexican government does not want to arrest you. What they want to do is to kill you. What do you think?

Q20: With respect to your activities, what do you think they impact is on Mexico? Do you think there´s a substantial impact?

Q21: Why?

Q22: What do you think about how big it´s gotten? What is your opinion about who is to blame... those who sell drugs or the people who use drugs and create a demand for them? What is the relationship between production, sale and consumption?

Q23: We hear avocado is good for this or that thing. Lime is good for this or that thing. Guanabana is good for this or that things, but we never hear anyone doing any publicity with respect to drugs. Have you done anything to induce the public to consume more drugs?

Q24: Do you have any dreams? Do you dream?

Q25: But you must have some dreams, some hopes for your life?

Q26: If you could change the world, would you?

Q27: How is your relationship with your mom?

Q28: Is it one of respect?

Q29: How do you see the future for your sons and your daughters?

Q30: How has your life changed, how have you lived it since you escaped?

Q31: Did you ever use drugs?

Q32: How long ago?

Q33: Did it not worry you that you might be putting your family at risk with your escape?

Q34: For your recent escape, did you pursue your freedom at any cost, at the expense of anybody?

Q35: For both escapes, it´s worth mentioning there was no violence. It´s been shown there was no violence, you didn´t use any weapon.

Q36: Bearing in mind what has been written about you, what one sees on TV, things that are said about you in Mexico, what kind of message would you like to convey to the people of Mexico?

Q37: If a ask you to define yourself, if I ask to pretend your are not Joaquin, instead you are the person who knows him better than anybody else in the world, how would you define yourself?

intérpretación | INTERPRETUS  Williams Paul Us Grajales
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