Interviewed Answers 8

TAYLOR SWIFT (1): I am not worried about that. I'm really in touch with my fans and I know what they like. What my fans in general were afraid of was that I would start making pop music and I would stop writing smart lyrics. Or I would stop writing emotional lyrics. And when they heard the new music they realized that that wasn't the case at all.

TAYLOR SWIFT (2): Yeah, I decided that I wanted to play this entire album for the fans long before it came out. I wanted it to be like this whole secret society gatherings and living rooms. And so I decided to have them in my houses. We have 89 fans waiting in the living room. The entire 1989 record. I want to come up with as many ways that we can spend time together and bond because it keeps me normal. It keeps my life feeling manageable.


TAYLOR SWIFT (4): Not at all. And that's why when I go online and I go on Instagram and I see a post from Nikki who lives in Philadelphia and she's talking about how her day was at school that day. That helps me.

TAYLOR SWIFT(5): It's the only thing that keeps me not feeling overwhelmed by the abnormality of my life.

TAYLOR SWIFT (6): The most abnormal thing about my life is having sort of crowds form everywhere you go. And just everywhere. So that starts happening and then you have to take security everywhere you go. All of a sudden you realize that you have not been alone truly for five years.

TALOR SWIFT (7): My senior year.

TAYLOR SWIFT (8): If a guy shares his experience in writing, he's brave. If a woman shares her experience in writing, she's oversharing. And  she's over emotional. Or she might be crazy,  watch out or shall I write a song about you. Well that is joke is there,  that joke is so old and it's coming from a place of such sexism.

TAYLOR SWIFT (9): It seems like when I moved to New York, love and heartbreak and all the things that used to be my main factors in my music, kind of faded to the background. Of course love is still very interesting to me as a songwriter but.

TAYLOR SWIFT (10): Now, right now.

TAYLOR SWIFT (11): I just like I just feel really happy and I'm really protective of that.

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