Interviewed Answers 4
Down Brown (1): I was at the Vatican city once walking through a tunnel called "il passetto", a secret passage used by the first popes to escape in case of an enemy attack. According to the guide who was explaining the tour, one of the most fearful enemies was a secret brotherhood known as the Illuminati, a sect made by the first scientists who have sworn to take revange for crimes commited against scientists like Galileo and Copernicus. I was fascinated imagining that secret antireligious brotherhood hiding at Rome catacumbs. Then, when the guide added that the Iluminati are still active today and that many of today historians agree that they constitute a strong invisible global power, then I knew I was trapped and that I had to write a thriller about them.
Down Brown (2): Secret organizations make great efforts to remain hiding. Though, intelligent services have written lots of classified reports about the brotherhood, very little has shed light. Conspiration thoeries about the illuminati say, among other things, they have been infiltrated in the British Parliament, the American Treasure, as well as with secret connections with Masons, Hiding Satanic Sects and that their plan is to establish a new world order or even to rebirth their old pact to destroy the Vatican. To separate what´s true and what´s fiction can be complicated for this amount of incipient false information which has been created around the brotherhood. Some say that this phletora of dis-information is in reality spread out by themselves to descredit any true data that can shed light. This hiding tactic, often known and data insertion, is often used by the American Intelligent Services.
Down Brown (3): Ah, ambigrams. They are words that are read exactly the same from left to right or right to left. It´s an ancient artistic technique and can be very puzzling the firt time you read them.
Down Brown (4): El Conseil Européen por la Recherché Nucleaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research). It´s the biggest scientific research center in the world. It´s located in Ginebra and has a staff of over 3,000 of the best scientist of the planet. They were the first something really amazing called "antimatter"... the most volatile substance ever known by men.
Down Brown (5): Of course, it does. The antimatter is now a definite source of power. It has a power release of a 100% efficiency (nuclear fission is just only about 1.5%). It´s a 100.000 times more powerful than a rocket fuel, only one gram has the power of a 20 kilotonne atomic bomb like Hiroshima´s. Besides being so explossive, it´s also extremely unstable and catches flames when in touch of anything... even air. It can just be storaged if it floats over a magnetic field in a vacuum-packed container. If the magnetic field fails causing the antimatter to fall, it turns into the perfect conversión matter-antimatter which physics clearly called - the aniquilation. CERN regularly produces small antimatter quantities for their search of power. It does not generates contamination nor radiation, and only one drop could power New York city for a whole day. The dilema is scaring though. Shall we be able to save the world with its usage, or are we creating the most powerful devastating weapon ever created?
Brown (6): None at all. That´s why when found in dollar bills, it is worth noting down. The eye is symbol adopted by the Illuminati to indicate their capacity of infiltratation and observation of everything. Beside, a triangle is just a scientific symbol which
stands for change. There´s also the shocking contradictory fact
about the inscription Novus Ordus Seculorum calling upon to the secular in contrast to
surprising saying In God we Trust.
Down Brown (7): We never stop getting surprised by the huge amount of confidential information which can be easily found just around the corner and at hand if you know where to dig. Sometimes is just a matter of finding the approapriate documentary source.
Down Brown (8): The illuminati had sworn to take revange to the Vatican by 1.600s. The first ones, in Galileo´s tmes, were kicked out from Rome by the Vatican and were chased merciless. .They escaped and hid in Baviera where they started to mix with other refugees which also escaped from catholic punishments - mystiques, alchemists, musulmans and jews. That´s how a new Illuminati organization emerged, darker and more profoundly anthicristian. They became so powerful that could infiltrate in power structures while carrying out misterious rites and had sworn to come back some day to take revange of the Catholic Church. . Angels y demons is just a novel about this emerging of the illuminati to take revange of their opressors. But...above all, it´s just a story about Robert Langdon, a Harvard Symbology expert.
Down Brown (9): Yes, indeed. Some of the revealed data is just astonishing, but I believe people will understand that such an ancient and powerful organization like the Vatican could have never reached that power without hiding some family secrets.