A1: Don't most women dress for men? Isn't it true that men and women have mutual appreciation of each other?

A2: I haven't really noticed.

A3: When an actress is building her career in pictures, as I am, there is very little spare time. What little there is I spend in reading and studying.

A4: I always wear clothes appropriate to the occasion.

A5: Someone who is gentle and considerate - but I've never thought of one 'ideal man'. I doubt if there is such a person.

A6: Isn't that a 'loaded question'?

A7: I walk, exercise and study body control.

A8: This is a free and democratic country and no-one has a monopoly on anything.

A9: I was born in Los Angeles on June 1st. I'm an American.

A10: I think you've been reading too many gossip columns.

A11: I am content to be Marilyn Monroe, to the best of my ability. Being one's self is a twenty-four hour a day job anyway isn't it?

A12: I probably have many, but my worst is my difficulty in remembering that there are only 60 minutes in an hour. I'm variably late, but I can't break myself of it.

A13: No. I don't go to many formal affairs, and when I do I usually go by myself because I want to, or else with someone from the studio. These formal affairs are in the line of duty, anyway.

A14: Any girl who resents whistles should live on a desert island.

A15: Bust 37, waist 23.5, hips 37.5 - or so they tell me.

A16: Yes.

A17: When I work I act; when I'm home I don't act. Do you do the same things at home as when you're working at your job as secretary, salesgirl, teacher, clerk or whatever? Why bring your work home with you?

A18: Walking. I can walk alone for hours and enjoy it.

A19: I won no popularity awards, but I did have a number of good friends.

A20: When I'm working in a picture I have no time to go out. Besides, I don't think in terms of dates per week, that's silly. If someone asks me to go out, and I find his company enjoyable, I go out with them. If not then I'd rather stay home.

A21: It's funny, but I've never thought of being anything but an actress.

A22: I never think about the way I walk. But since I was playing a certain type of girl in the picture who was not myself, and since the way I walked helped emphasize her, I walked as I did. I'm sure my real life walk is not exactly the same.

A23: I want to be known as a good actress.

A24: No-one you would know.

A25: What is a type? I am myself - Marilyn Monroe.

A26: Swimming, collecting records, reading and dancing, when I have time.

A27: Mr DiMaggio is a good friend and a gentleman I greatly admire.

A28: I have a little temper, and I really lose it when people write untruths about me.

A29: It depends on the man, but I'd say that personality means more. However, a sense of humour is a wonderful help as far as I'm concerned in sizing up a man's personality.

A30: I don't have a best girlfriend, but I do have many good friends whose companionship is worth much to me.

A31: None whatsoever. I don't know why this rumor sprang up unless people just can't believe that two women can work together in harmony. I consider Jane to be one of the sweetest persons I've ever met, and I'm happy to call her my friend.

A32: I like a quiet evening with someone whose personality and conversation intrigues me.

A33: I don't like unfair criticism at any time. Do you? I feel that some of the criticism has been unfair.

A34: How can I say? I'm not thinking of marrying at the moment. I do want to get married and have children some day, that's for sure, but I'll cross the career-marriage bridge when I get to it.

A35: There were some difficult days and some pleasant ones. I went to school, held down a number of jobs, looked for openings in pictures all the time, had many disappointments which were very crushing and finally reached some small measure of success.

intérpretación | INTERPRETUS  Williams Paul Us Grajales
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