Immigrant: Judge Questions

JUDGE (1): Please, state your full name for the record.

JUDGE (2): Do you mean you engage on farm labor?

JUDGE (3): What is your immigrantion status at this time, Mr. Barragan?

JUDGE (4): Well, tell us if you have valid documentation to come to the Unites States to work. Do you have a visa from the American Consulate?

JUDGE (5): That is to say then, Mr. Barragan, that you have never received permission from the United States authorities to come to work here in the United States?

JUDGE (6): Who was the person who offered you to take you to Texas?

JUDGE (7):  Do you see this man in this courtroom today?

JUDGE (8): How much did you have to pay Nacho to bring you to Texas?

JUDGE (9): How did Nacho get you to the United States? How did you cross the border?

JUDGE (10): Did you ride with the driver, or what?

JUDGE (11): You mean you were under the weight of all that cargo?

JUDGE (12): Are you saying, then, that Nacho and his friend hid you in the trailer and took you to the Unites States illegaly?

JUDGE (13): How long were you in the house?

JUDGE (14): What did Nacho tell you and the others while you were in the house?

JUDGE (15): Did you pay him the money?

JUDGE (16): Did you agree to pay this money?

JUDGE (17): What did Nacho tell you when you said you were unwilling to travel to another location?

JUDGE (18): I want you to tell the Jury, Mr. Barragan, what finally interrupted your sojourn at the house?

JUDGE (19): What I mean is: What happened that made you leave the house you were in?

JUDGE (20): Please, tell the Jury what happened next.

JUDGE (21): Were you mistreated in any way?

JUDGE (22): Did you understand that you were violating the law when you came to the United States hidden in the truck?

intérpretación | INTERPRETUS  Williams Paul Us Grajales
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